FAQs: Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can, for many, be unknown territory, and it’s only natural that you should have questions about what it is like to go through such therapy, how long a treatment may take, etc. To make you feel more comfortable about going ahead and booking your first session, I have put together this list of the most frequently asked questions so that you might find out a bit more. 

If you have a question that has no answer on this page, please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries. I am always happy to hear from new clients, especially those who have never undergone massage treatment and will be more than glad to talk you through my services. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will it hurt?

    It may be a little uncomfortable or intense if we work on a trigger point, but you are always in control of the pressure. The discomfort will never be so severe that you won’t be able to breathe or relax into it. Many clients describe it as a “hurt so good” feeling.  

  • Is it safe?

    Yes. Massage and bodywork are entirely safe when performed by someone who has studied anatomy and how the body functions. It is less invasive than surgery, cortisone shots, or taking medications for pain. As a licensed massage therapist, I can recognize when massage is helpful or if I need to refer you to other health care providers. 

  • If I’m pregnant can I still get a massage?

    Yes! In fact it is very beneficial for expecting mothers to receive a massage. Plus you deserve to be taken care of and nurtured during this time. Massage can help alleviate symptoms like lower back pain, sore feet, and tight shoulders that are common during pregnancy. You will definitely be comfortable during the massage, you will be laying on your side with plenty of pillows and bolsters to cushion your body into a nice relaxing state.

  • Will I have to make uncomfortable changes?

    You will need to make changes for sure. It isn’t a quick fix, nor is it something passive. You will need to take an active role in your recovery and healing. I am not a healer but a guide that can help your body heal and keep it that way. It may sometimes be uncomfortable but keeping an open mind to new ideas and learning will help you during this process. You should feel empowered to move forward with a new understanding and tools for the rest of your life. 

  • How long will it take?

    Everyone is different, with different needs and challenges. It would be disingenuous of me to give a definite time. In general, and from my experience, clients start to see significant results after the 3rd or 4th session. Some clients see me once a month, some come in twice a month or some like to space things out to 6 weeks apart. It all depends on what works best for the client. Getting a massage is just one part in the self-care routine. This is a time for you to focus on yourself. This could be looked at as part of a self-care practice that helps you stay consistent and accountable.

  • Can I afford it?

    To put things into perspective, a massage is far less expensive than surgery or being on pain medication. This option is far less invasive, and there are no side effects. Even over-the-counter pain relief medication comes with side effects to your health. The real question is: can you afford not to do it? What is it worth to you to be pain-free, to have mobility again, to be able to play with your kids, and not have to worry about the pain? 

  • Why should I choose you as my therapist?

    I’m not your typical massage therapist. I am going to look at you and your goals in a holistic way. I am about educating, empowering, and being responsible for moving forward into a wellness lifestyle. I won’t just do an hour massage and send you on your way. This is a lifestyle change. We are creating lasting results and providing tools for you to take control of your health now and in the future. 

  • Do I have to wear a mask?

    Masks are optional to wear in the office or during the session. It is up to the individual client and massage therapist if they would like to wear a mask.

    Staff doesn't wear a mask. If that makes you uncomfortable I understand if you need to seek massage services elsewhere.

    If a client chooses to wear a mask during the session I strongly encourage you not to have them on while you are face down (prone). If the client prefers to have a mask on at all times, then face up (supine) and side-laying positioning will be used instead of face down (prone) position.

  • Do I have to be vaccinated to receive massage therapy services?

    No, this information is private. I do not require to know the vaccine status of a client in order to receive massage therapy services nor do I share that private health information about myself with clients. If it makes you uncomfortable not knowing this information about the massage therapist, I understand and can refer you to other massage therapists in the area. Just be aware that a referral doesn’t mean they are vaccinated, I don't know their personal health information regarding vaccine status.

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